ENVR 419: Chemical Equilibria of Natural Waters (Fall)
The overall goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the fundamentals of aqueous chemistry as they apply to both natural and engineered systems. The major topics covered in this course are: (1) chemical thermodynamic principles, (2) basics of reaction kinetics, (3) acid-base equilibria, (4) complexation and speciation of metals, (5) dissolution of gases and solids, and (6) redox chemistry. While the focus of the course is on inorganic species, basic concepts of organic matter in water are covered. The course is directed at upper-level undergraduates and beginning graduate students. There are no formal prerequisites, however, some background in undergraduate-level inorganic chemistry is assumed. Students without such a background should contact the instructors prior to registration.
ENVR 756: Physical/Chemical Processes for Water Treatment (Spring)
This is an introductory course on physical and chemical processes used for the purification of water. The physical and/or chemical principles at work behind the processes covered are also discussed, e.g., adsorption phenomena occurring during water treatment with granular activated carbon. The course covers conventional processes such as alum coagulation and media filtration as well as advanced processes such as ion exchange and membrane filtration. While this is not a design course, basic design principles are also covered. The most updated syllabus of this course is available in the link below.
ENVR 890-002: Science and Technology of Membranes for Water Purification (Spring)
This is an advanced course on membrane processes for water purification. The course will be divided in three distinct sections: (i) microfiltration and ultrafiltration; (ii) nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, and forward osmosis; and (iii) electro-deionization. The reason to divide the course in these three sections is that the physico-chemical phenomena controlling water and solute transport is the same in the membranes within each section, and different between membranes from different sections. For each of the sections, the course covers: (1) the transport phenomena controlling water and solute permeation; (2) fouling phenomena; (3) characterization of membrane materials; (4) characterization of membrane performance; and to a lesser degree (5) chemistry of membrane materials. While this is not a design course, basic design principles of membrane processes are also covered. The most updated syllabus of this course is available in the link below.
ENVR 500: Environmental Processes, Exposure and Risk Assessment (Fall)
Dr. Coronell co-teaches ENVR 500 together with Dr. Julia Rager (lead instructor, jrager@unc.edu) and Dr. Jason Surratt (surratt@unc.edu). This course equips students with a broad understanding of causes of environmental pollution, pollutant transformation in and movement through the environment, effects on human health, and technical and policy options for preventing pollution. Dr. Coronell teaches the sessions covering the topics of water pollution and water pollution control.
Guest Lecturer in ENVR 403: Environmental Chemistry (Spring)
Dr. Coronell guest lectures in ENVR 403 whose principal instructor is Dr. Jason Surratt (surratt@unc.edu). In this course students study the chemistry of the air, water, and soil, and how anthropogenic activities affect this chemistry on planet Earth. Specifically, the class examines the sources, reactions, transport, effects, and fates of chemical species in air, water, and soil environments, and the effects of technology thereon. This course is divided into 5 major parts that reflect the most pressing issues in Environmental Chemistry today: (1) Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution; (2) Climate Change and Energy; (3) Water Chemistry and Water Pollution; (4) Toxic Organic Compounds; and (5) Metals, Soils, Sediments, and Waste Disposal. Dr. Coronell guest lectures covering basic chemistry concepts of water pollution and treatment processes for water purification.
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